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Safety Tips & Resources
Safety is Our First Priority - When Should You Get Help?
Providing Care at Home: Can I Do It?
Caring for a seriously ill loved one at home can be intimidating and overwhelming. With support, especially the support provided by our caregivers at Senior Care of North Texas, most situations can be managed. Here’s how:
Do a Safety Inventory
Remove scatter rugs
Remove obstacles from traffic areas
Place grab bars in tub and next to commode
Use raised toilet seats and non-skid shower seats
Provide well-fitting shoes with non-skid soles
Floors should have slip-resistant finish
Properly secure electric cords
Post emergency numbers prominently
Observe good hand-washing techniques before and after care
Steps that Increase Safety while Allowing Independence
Provide your loved one with an electronic alert device
Set up a network of concerned individuals who will check in at routine intervals
Supply pre-prepared meals
Provide daily personal care through use of home health aides
Arrange for hearing exam/hearing aids, if necessary
Be sure corrective lenses are up-to-date
Post your loved one’s wishes regarding resuscitation/DNR
Safety Precautions for Dementia
Camouflage exit doors
Use combination locks on doors, if necessary
Be sure your loved one wears an ID bracelet
Keep a consistent daily routine